Can Pickup (First)

The second Saturday of each month this summer April- September has been designated for aluminum can pick-up for recycling. The first can pick up will be on Saturday, April 10th!  Have your cans bagged and securely tied by the curb by 9:00AM at the latest.  Crews will be around to collect them. This has been a […]

Can Pickup

The second Saturday of each month this summer April- September has been designated for aluminum can pick-up for recycling. May's can pick up will be on Saturday, May 8th!  Have your cans bagged and securely tied by the curb by 9:00AM at the latest.  Crews will be around to collect them. This has been a successful […]

Spring Meeting

7722 N Arnold Rd.

Gather to hear news of what's happening and share your ideas.  The meeting will be held at the Milestone/Newman/Treat garage at 7722 N Arnold Rd.  Doors open at 9:00 am, meeting called to order at 9:30. Our 2021 Raffle will be held at the meeting!  Prizes to be announced.  Raffle tickets will be mailed with your Spring […]

Kids Fishing Derby

The Kids Fishing Derby will be Saturday, June 5th which is a Free Fishing Day! Register kids aged 2-16 at the Boat Launch before 8:30AM. Fish from your boat, pier, or shoreline! Come back by 11:00 to have the fish weighed. We have different age groups, from Minnows, Guppies, Blue Gills to Bass. Every kid gets a prize! Catch more than […]