Golf Outing- Cancelled

With the closing of the Crooked Lake Golf Course, the Annual Loon Lake Golf outing is canceled for 2022.

August Can Pick Up

The second Saturday of each month this summer April- September has been designated for aluminum can pick-up for recycling. Have your cans bagged and securely tied by the curb by 9:00AM at the latest.  Crews will be around to collect them. Brian Clark has space behind his barn to store aluminum cans between scheduled pick-ups.  […]

LLFMP Corn Hole Tournament

The Loon Lake Fish Management Program's Corn Hole Tournament will be on Saturday, August 27th at the Loon Lisle Nature Reserve.  Sign up starts at noon with games beginning at 1:00pm. $20 per team.  All proceeds will go towards fish stocking (Walleye & Musky).  Cash prize distributed at the end of the tournament based on the number of […]

Fall Meeting

Gather to hear news of what's happening and share your ideas.  The meeting will be held at the Milestone/Newman/Treat garage at 7722 N Arnold Rd.  Doors open at 9:00 am, meeting called to order at 9:30. We are having a Canned Food Drive to collect non-perishable food items to donate to a local food pantry […]

September Can Pick Up

The second Saturday of each month this summer April- September has been designated for aluminum can pick-up for recycling. Have your cans bagged and securely tied by the curb by 9:00AM at the latest.  Crews will be around to collect them. Brian Clark has space behind his barn to store aluminum cans between scheduled pick-ups.  […]

LLFMP Muskie Shoot Out

The Loon Lake Fish Management Program's Muskie Shoot Out will be on October 15th. Sign up beginning 7:30 am @ the Loon Lake Public Landing. The tournament hours are 8am - 3pm CASH Prizes distributed at the end of the tournament. Food will be provided, but BYOD. For more info or Pre-Registration contact Clark Milestone […]

Loon Lake Community Trick or Treat

The 3rd Annual Loon Lake Community Trick or Treat will be on Saturday, October 29th from 3:00-5:00 PM. This event is not sponsored by the LLPOA

April Can Pick Up

The second Saturday of each month this summer April- September has been designated for aluminum can pick-up for recycling. The first can pick up will be on Saturday, April 9th!  Have your cans bagged and securely tied by the curb by 9:00AM at the latest.  Crews will be around to collect them. Brian Clark has […]

May Can Pick Up

The second Saturday of each month this summer April- September has been designated for aluminum can pick-up for recycling. Have your cans bagged and securely tied by the curb by 9:00AM at the latest.  Crews will be around to collect them. Brian Clark has space behind his barn to store aluminum cans between scheduled pick-ups.  […]

Spring Meeting

Gather to hear news of what's happening and share your ideas.  The meeting will tentatively be held at the Loon Lisle Nature Reserve Pavilion.  Doors open at 9:00 am, meeting called to order at 9:30. Our 2022 Raffle will be held at the meeting!  Prizes include gift cards to local businesses, like Tri-Lake Tavern, The […]

Kids Fishing Derby

Kids Fishing Derby   Date June 3rd Saturday Time 8am to 8:30am registration Return by 11am Location - Loon Lisle Nature Reserve Kids 2 to 16 Years old Free fishing Weekend Kids should arrive at the Pavillion to register and receive a goody bag for returning to their favorite fishing hole.  Save all the fish […]

Association Garage Sales

The Loon Lake Association Garage Sale will be on Friday, June 9th & Saturday, June 10th from 8:00AM-4:00PM. Start organizing your unwanted or unneeded stuff now to add a few bucks to your summer spending money.  Feel free to open early or close late, the decision is yours. If you’re not having a sale of […]